Ionic Baba Commerce
Required Setup
First, this link will help you install and build your first Example Ionic app. Navigate to the project folder after downloading and extracting the main files from codecanyon.
Installing Node Modules
Open terminal and go to project folder and run following command
Building Web Build In Production
Copying Web Code
Add Web Build
iOS Setup
Running Simulator
Run following command if you have installed node modules from previous command.
Add IOS Platform
For Opening the iOS Project
To open the project in Xcode, run:
Android Setup
Add Andoird Platform
For Opening the Android Project
To open the project in Android Studio, run:
Configuration Setup
Required Setup
App Config
Open the project folder and go to the BabaCommerce\src\app\providers\config.ts file
* change color of the theme
* change the Home Style
* change the Light/Dark Mode Theme
* change Language LTR/RTL
you can customize the app with this config file
You can Change the SplashScreen and app Icon
For Android
Customize your launch screen app icon by creating a splashscreen.png -file , ic_launcher.png and ic_launcher_round.png and placing it in an appropriate drawable-folder. Android automatically scales drawable, so you do not necessarily need to provide images for all phone densities. You can create splash screens in the following folders:
* drawable-port-hdpi
* drawable-port-mdpi
* drawable-port-xhdpi
* drawable-port-xxhdpi
* drawable-port-xxxhdpi
For Ios
Customize your splash screen
You can check this documentation for App icon and splash screen
LTR and RTL labels
Go into BabaCommerce\src\app\providers\gLJson.ts this file contains all English and Arabic labels. You can easily add new languages and edit these labels.
Default RTL setup
you can start the app in RTL mode for language like arabic
go into BabaCommerce\src\app\providers\config.ts file and set rtl value in initialstate value
localStorage.direction = "ltr"; // By Default (LTR)
localStorage.direction = "rtr"; // For RTL
Last updated
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